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I create More.






As a social creative I search for crossovers between art, healthcare, music, education, theatre and more. Trough creative thinking, co-creating and artistic research I try to support the development of education, communication, and care. These methods lead to projects, concepts and products inspired by frames such as play, social relationships and creative means.



With the workshop ‘COMMUSICATION’ participants work together on creating collaborations through music as a practical means and its abstract and metaphorical possibilities. Through different music-inspired interventions, the group created a common language using sound, visualized collaborations, and created a score through a multi-layered associative graphic notation method. The first workshop took place during the Shared Campus Summer School "Commoning Curatorial and Artistic Education" in Kassel, Germany. The program consisted of workshops, lectures, and many visits to the Documenta Fifteen locations with a group of master and PhD students in the fields of art, curating, care, music, education and more from all over the world.

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Healthcare Communication


Community art



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